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Gergely Kovács - guitars, bass, vocals
Tibor Barabás - drums
Attila Kovács - guitars

The Grey Eminence


Joseph du Tremblay was not a star of his time. In fact, he was known by a few people only, and he definitely was not someone worshipped by the masses. Yet his life's work still influences much of what is going on in today's Western World. A man knowing no compromise, fully devoted to his vision, infecting others around him with the seed sown in him. While not agreeing with most of what Father Joseph was striving for, the members of the Budapest based band The Grey Eminence want to be remembered not for being adored by raving fans, but for having an influence on their listeners, and for not compromising the music that comes from their hearts. They do not have a breakdown in every song for "cool" kids' sake and they do not rip off In Flames riffs or alternate screaming and singing parts for trends' sake, though all of these elements may occasionally pop up in one song or the other. They do not try to be the fastest, the heaviest, or the most technical band on the market. They do not mix different styles in their songs just to sound "original". "What do they do then", you may ask. Well, as cliché as it may sound, they simply write songs that they like. And when you have members who like almost everything from Neal Morse through Trouble to Napalm Death, you can expect the result to be either interesting or completely unfocused and annoying. Well, listen to the song Falling Apart for example, and you can decide for yourself if it was worth the try. It contains almost everything the band can offer: a slow stoner riff, blast beats, twin guitars, extreme vocals, a melodic chorus, and a guitar solo. Lyrically the band offers honesty, often questioning the way we as human beings tend to treat each other or even ourselves.
The band was built on the ashes of the now defunct punk-hardcore-rock band The Wheelers. In 2008, The Grey Eminence recorded seven songs at NoiseLab Studio in Budapest with Dávid Fehér for a first CD entitled Drifting that was released the next year.
The band is now busy with practicing new songs for the second record.


The Grey Eminence - Drifting

The Grey Eminence

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The Grey Eminence - reduced to three-piece

The Grey Eminence is reduced to a three-piece again: bassist Dömpi decided to focus on his other bands/projects. The three wish the best of luck for him.


The Grey Eminence - show cancelled

We are sorry to inform you but the recently announced show of The Grey Eminence is cancelled. However, you can see [tagless] on the 19th at Rocktogon.


The Grey Eminence - live gig at Rocktogon

The Grey Eminence can be caught in the act live on the 29th of August, playing together with [tagless] and other bands at Rocktogon. The band is also practicing for a studio recording session.


The Grey Eminence - new album in 2012

If you happened to be in hearing distance of the rehearsal room of The Grey Eminence during an actual rehearsal lately, you might have noticed sounds you had not been familiar with. That's right, the band is working on new songs for a full length to be recorded during the first half of next year. Get ready for Cold War, The Resurrection, I Remember and other rocking tunes that offer more than your average wall of sound if you are willing to listen.
